Crosslee Poultry Farm, Crosslee Road, Bridge Of Weir, PA11, Scotland
Phone Number 07926 856863

The Muirfield Black Rock chicken is one of the most popular choices for free range poultry keeping, both domestically and commercially.
There are plenty of reasons for this : their hardiness, shell quality, productivity, active ranging, longevity, and they are great characters.
More superficially, the Black Rock is an extremely attractive bird, predominantly black with variable amounts of chestnut colouring around the neck.
Peter Siddons was the breeder of the Black Rock at his Muirfield farm, Kinross for over 65 years, having taken over parent stock from Arbour Acre. In recent years, his failing health prompted the move of all the birds to us at Crosslee Farm, Bridge of Weir, where we are continuing his work, in association with Peters daughters, Kate and Gillian.

The Muirfield Hatchery is in Renfrewshire, west Scotland, and you are welcome to collect birds directly from us. For those of you living elsewhere in the country we have a growing selection of Approved Agents to whom we deliver birds from day old to pullets throughout the year.
We are incubating most of the year, but demand outstrips supply much of the time, so please be patient, and polite. The birds are worth waiting for, and will be with you for many years.
It is sad that because we cannot supply everyone all the time there are some rogue dealers who take advantage and attempt to sell other black sex linked as Muirfield Black Rocks. Their birds do not have the quality of breeding so are inferior.At no time do we sell Muirfield Black Rock Hatching Eggs, so any advert you may see are not the genuine article.
Don't forget we can provide as much help, assistance and technical support that you need and you can either collect from the farm or we can arrange delivery to your door.